Archie Heaslip
Archie Heaslip
Archie Heaslip is an Irish type designer born in Dublin and based in Vienna. Having worked as a graphic designer since 2015 in Dublin and New York, Archie decided to focus his attention on type design in 2019. In 2021, Signal Type Foundry published his typeface Kosetsu. He has also designed custom typefaces for movies and TV shows on Netflix and Apple TV. He graduated from TypeMedia in 2023 and in 2024 he co-founded A Type Service with Jacky Martinović.
→A Type Service
Marshmahlo is a sweet and flavourful type family with a counterless display style as well as an accompanying text and italic style. It began as an experiment in drawing as small as possible with a broad nib pen, using the measurement of one nib width as an x-height instead of the more standard measurement of four nib widths. As the project progressed, the typeface developed characteristics commonly associated with sign painting.